[SaneVax: On the heals of allegations of unethical conduct during HPV vaccine trials and more paralysis after polio vaccinations than before, now children are dying after the administration of expired vaccines? Not according to local health ‘authorities.’ One even had the audacity to blame an infant’s death on mother’s breast milk. It seems it is politically correct to blame anything except vaccines – not so much different than other countries. It is high time to take a scientific look at the ‘elephant in the room.’ Vaccines are not sacred – life is.]
Vaccines Kill 8 Children; Others Critically Sick
By Christina England
In the last few months vaccinations have caused the death of eight children in India and left others critically ill. The most recent death to be reported is a three month old baby girl who died just hours after receiving the 5 in 1 vaccination.
Baby Tanujasree received a second dose of the 5 in 1 vaccination at 9.30 am on Wednesday morning but sadly died a few hours later. Her father, Ramarao of Mettupalayam, told The Hindu that he had taken his baby daughter to the health centre in Vadima Nagar for the vaccination but she soon became unwell. The Hindu reported that the baby was rushed back to the health centre after she lost consciousness:
“After returning home, Tanujasree became restless and began crying. By 11.30 a.m., the infant lost consciousness following which her parents rushed her back to the health post.
The staff there checked the child and informed her parents that she was in a serious condition. Ramarao and his wife rushed their baby girl to the Institute of Child Health in Egmore where she failed to respond to treatment and died a few hours later.”(sic)
When a death follows vaccination excuses are usually made as to why the vaccination couldn’t possibly be the cause of death and this was no exception with the baby’s death being put down to the fact that Tanujasree’s mother had breast fed the infant shortly after she was vaccinated.
Desperate to persuade Indian parents that vaccinations are safe and they must continue to vaccinate their children, family welfare officials made two further attempts to cover up the baby’s death by stating:
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