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Vaccines Cause Harm: Time to Find Out Why and Fix the Problem


[SaneVax: It is no secret vaccines harm some individuals. The time has come to face the problem head on, discover why and stop the insanity. It is time for medical consumers to demand studies to determine which subgroups are susceptible to vaccine injuries and why. It is nothing short of criminal to knowingly continue to harm any group without any attempt to fix the problem. There is absolutely no excuse for doctors, pharmaceutical companies or government health authorities to stand idly by knowing injuries and fatalities are being dispensed via injections without fixing the problem.

A person may cause evil to others not only by his action but by his inaction, and in either case he is justly accountable to them for the injury. [John Stuart Mill (1806 – 1873)]

If we, as medical consumers, and witnesses to the tragedy, stand by and do nothing – we are just as guilty as those who are supposedly in charge of our health and welfare. It is time to demand answers – stop the insanity!]

Vaccines Are Harming Our Children – Admit It, Fix It

By Jennifer Hutchinson

Fix the Problem!

Insanity has been defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

How long are the medical profession and our government going to defend the safety of the current vaccine schedule? A year from now, will we be embroiled in the same fight? Two years from now? Five? Ten?

The U.S. is the most vaccinated country in the world. And yet, we are number 31 in infant mortality. Time and money are being wasted. Our kids are sick. They are suffering. For far too many, their childhoods are lost. Their families are suffering. Parents are divorced, financially destitute, exhausted, and heartbroken. They are out of time.


My last article was for parents and included advice for ways they could help their children with autism. This article is for the medical profession and government and anyone else who is has a financial investment in vaccines. True, they are a powerful and wealthy force. Power and wealth are their motivation. But greed can’t compete with parents’ motivation. The stakes just don’t get any higher than our children.

That being said, here are my pleas to “the other side.”

Read the entire article here.

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