By Marcella
I am no longer working at the Cady Wellness Institute. I’m no longer working anywhere except where I sit at this moment. I have not been able to work away from home for the last two years. Since my daughter’s near-fatal reaction to the DTaP vaccine I have been employed as the unpaid 24/7 care-giver to her. My other job is what I am doing right now: researching and writing about vaccine-injuries for Vaxtruth. I don’t get paid for either of my two jobs, but the intrinsic motivation is significant and the rewards are great.
Now that the introduction is out-of-the way, we can get back to the important stuff: What’s going on with the 12 girls in Le Roy, New York?
The first concept you must understand is that of “Susceptible Groups.” The expert on susceptible groups (SG) when it comes to autism and vaccine-injury is (or was) Dr. Bernadine Healy. Here’s a snippet from Sharyl Attkisson’s 2008 interview with Dr. Healy:
Healy’s credentials couldn’t be more “mainstream.” After all, she once was a top government health official as head of the National Institutes of Health. She founded the first school of public health in Ohio, and then headed both the school of public health and the school of medicine at Ohio State University. She’s an internist and cardiologist. And she’s a member of the Institute of Medicine, the government advisory board that tried to put the vaccine-autism controversy to rest in 2004 by saying a link was not likely.
In Ms. Attkisson’s interview, she and Dr. Healy discussed the research regarding the autism/vaccine connection. Please click here to go to the article and watch the interview . When Dr. Healy talks about autism, remember she is talking about vaccine-injury, and that includes many more presentations – it’s not just about autism.
SUSCEPTIBLE GROUP: Someone who is more vulnerable than the general population to serious vaccine-injury.
As Dr. Healy stated, officials within the U.S. Government… those very officials who have been charged with protecting America’s children, have decided not to pursue research that might identify Susceptible Groups of children. What this means is that if your child happens to belong to a Susceptible Group, there is no way to know until it’s too late because the research has NOT BEEN DONE. Not only has it not been done, it’s not GOING to be done because the officials in the U.S. Government have decided that those children who belong to Susceptible Groups are insignificant when it comes to the big picture that is often referred to as “The Greater Good.”
In other words, if your child is more vulnerable to serious vaccine-injury, you are out-of-luck. As a Patriotic American Citizen you are EXPECTED and often MANDATED to line your kids up and have them injected with multiple vaccines that have not been studied for safety or efficacy, especially when it comes to Susceptible Groups. If your child, like mine, happens to be one of those SG kids? Oh well. “Thanks for your sacrifice. We appreciate it. Have a nice life.” As the parent of an SG kid I have to say that my goverment’s cavalier attitude about the life of my child is… as Dr. Bernadine Healy put it, “A REAL DISAPPOINTMENT TO ME.” And that’s putting it mildly.
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